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Crystal Saint Onge

Massage Therapist

Crystal has been licensed as a massage therapist since 2002, having experienced her own journey of living with, and healing from, years of chronic pain. This experience showed her that in order for full, deep healing to take place, it is important for us to address our dis-ease on many levels. Our emotional and energetic bodies hold and carry pain just as much as our physical bodies.

Over the years Crystal has synthesized her diverse trainings and life experiences into a unique healing form. With a reverence for the history of hands on healing, nature, dance, prayer, and the healing powers of water, a sacred space and intention is held in each session. She also sources from her trainings as a Birth Doula; Massage Therapist: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Advance Myofacial techniques, and Thai massage; Reiki, Polarity and Barbara Brennan Healing Science; and from her many years of first hand experience with Indigenous Shamanic Healing methods including Native American, Peruvian, and European traditions.

Crystal combines intuitive listening, guided energy balancing, deep body grounding and a relaxing, caring presence; providing a whole healing session for her clients.

Crystal Saint Onge

Massage Therapist

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